

Gynecological Cancer Screenings

Gynecological Cancer Screenings

Between the ages of 21 and 70, you should have a screening test every five years. If you are over the age of 70 with normal cervical cancer test results, you should no longer be tested. Women over the age of 65 with a history of cervical pre-cancer should continue to be tested for at least 20 years.

What are the 5 cervical cancer screening methods?

Cervical screening tests such as conventional cytology (PAP smear), liquid based cytology (LBC), human papillomavirus (HPV) testing, and visual inspection on acetic acid (VIA) can detect cervical precancerous lesions in apparently healthy, asymptomatic women.

What tests confirm cancer?

In most situations, a biopsy is the only way to definitively diagnose cancer. In the laboratory, doctors look at cell samples under the microscope. Normal cells look uniform, with similar sizes and orderly organization. Cancer cells look less orderly, with varying sizes and without apparent organization.